Warning: There will be no discussion of healthy eating within this post.
You know it's summer in Kentucky when the blackberries are ripe. When we moved to the country, we had an abundance of wild blackberry brambles along the farm lane and at the edge of the woods in some of the back parts of the farm. Gradually, because we have cleaned up overgrown fence rows and tried to get rid of the dreaded Korean honeysuckle vines and multi-flora roses, the blackberries have disappeared. We did plant some blackberries at the edge of the garden several years ago and they have turned into the bane of my existence. Not one berry have they produced. All the energy in those plants has gone toward creeping all over my garden and even out into the yard. A few months ago, when I was digging out the paths in the garden, I pulled up massive amounts of roots running all over the place. Cutting and pulling up roots amounted to pruning (and you know how pruning encourages a plant to put out lots of new growth?). I finally broke down and started spraying with brush killer anytime a sprout poked through the soil. I think I'm winning the war right now, but it is definitely not over by any means.
Not long ago, one of my husband's clients gave him some starts of thornless blackberry canes. Now, I know there are purist out there who think they don't taste as good as the wild ones. Whatever they give up in taste, it's worth it. Picking berries in the brambles in July, wearing long sleeves and pants to protect yourself from the thorns (not to mention the chiggers!). Never more. Even though they are just recently planted, over the past few days we've managed to pick, from the new, improved vines, the requisite 4 cups of berries for a cobbler. It's pretty safe to say this might be my husband's all time favorite dessert. There is nothing healthy about this recipe. Most likely, everyone has made some version of this. It's so quick and easy and fool proof.
Melt one stick of butter (yes, I know, but I warned you) in a 2 1/2 quart Pyrex or Corningware casserole dish in a 400 degree oven, til bubbly. Meanwhile, whisk together 1 cup of self-rising flour, 3/4 cup of sugar and 1 cup of milk. Rinse berries and drain, then heat in sauce pan with just enough sugar to sweeten slightly. When the butter is melted, pour the batter into the dish, then ladle the berries (and liquid from the pan) on top. Bake for approximately 20 minutes at 400 degrees. Serve warm, with good vanilla ice cream on top. (That's a recipe that makes me feel like Paula Deen---you know, butter, sugar and ice cream to top it off!) Enjoy and be grateful blackberry season is short. (It's also really good made with cherries.)
PS-My friend, Mary, tells me this took a little longer to bake than I had said. I forgot to mention that I used the convection/bake setting on my oven and that usually shortens baking times. So....it may take a little longer for you. You'll know it is done when the top is golden brown--somewhere between 20-30 minutes.