Okay, so if I can't have trees full of beautiful fall color, I'll just make my own. I've been in the dye pots, getting ready for the
Kentucky Wool Festival (held in Falmouth, Kentucky, October 1-2-3). Fall is my favorite season and the colors of fall are my favorite colors. Actually, I love everything about fall.....the food, the clothes (you know----wool!!), the smells, the light, the weather. All of it. So, even though it's still in the 90's, I've decided to mentally put myself into fall by dyeing plenty of yarn and roving in fall colors.
Looking ahead to the festival, it looks as though the weather is finally going to be perfect for shopping for all things fibery! I hope you will come to Falmouth, stop by the Sheep Dreams/Tanglewood Farm booth and visit for a while. There are going to be some wonderful fiber folks there in the Wool Tent and I'm pretty sure one of us can satisfy any yarn, fiber or equipment need you might have. (We are all about making you happy!) There will be plenty of sheepy stuff, too.
Gorgeous! I just noticed all our fruit trees have completely dropped their leaves. The only color around here this year is brown :-(.