I'm obsessed with looking for hopeful signs of spring. One sure sign is that Mr. Dandy has started vocalizing again. People often talk about how noisy peafowl are, and it's true, they can be. We've found that they seem to go through cycles. When Mr. Dandy moults and loses all his tail feathers, he gets pretty quiet. (I think he's embarrassed and doesn't want to call attention to himself!) Just in the last week, he has been making noise when there's activity around the barn.....a sort of early warning security device. It seems that Mr. Dandy has romance on his mind these days and that's a sign that spring is coming, for sure!
I'm pretty sure I'm the cause of all this rain. I was finally able to schedule the shearers to come on Monday to shear the pregnant ewes, which means I have to keep the ewes penned up in the barn to keep them dry. After spending most of the winter outside and having beautifully clean fleeces, a few days stuck in the barn on bedding can add a lot of vegetable matter to their wool.