Remember this girl?

Such a sweet picture and just look how tiny she was!

Every time I walk into the barn or am near her pasture, Olive runs to the fence and climbs up to greet me. Never fails. She's as cheerful as can be....always (that's her smiley face up there). I love that about her. She's getting to be a big girl now, but still likes her foster mom (that would be me) a lot. Olive especially loves treats, but will settle for chin rubs and behind the ear scratches if no treats are forthcoming.
Funny thing about this group of lambs. They are nearly all climbers and I think it comes from their dad, Ollie, the CVM ram. I've never had sheep who climbed like that before. Could it be a breed characteristic? Not likely, but I do find it interesting how traits are often passed on to lambs by their parents (much like our own children). The ewe lamb's hay feeders hang on the sides of the panels in the barn and no matter how high or how low they are placed, they climb up and stand on their hind legs to eat the hay.
Somehow we got lucky with the weather this time around. We are just a little south of the ice and snow that hit yesterday. We got a whole lot of rain and 50 mph winds during the night, but I'll take it, compared to feet of snow!
And....Happy Groundhog Day! I'm always confused about what it means, but according to the weatherman, there was no shadow to be seen and we are going to have an early spring. Yay for that!
Dianne, would you consider mentioning in your blog Warm Hats Not Hot Heads, the knitters' campaign to restore civility in politics? There's a group on Ravelry and we're also on Facebook. The idea is to knit hats--which embody the concept of every stitch working for the common good--for every member of Congress and every Senator, to illustrate our desire for our representatives to put down the poison pens and take up the business of crafting solutions to the various problems and challenges facing our country. This campaign was begun by your fellow knitbloggers Twinsetellen ( and SpinDyeKnit ( Thank you!
ReplyDeleteWhat pretty fleece Olive must she CVM?
ReplyDeleteI am so glad spring is coming soon!!
Aww. she's all grown up. I loved that shot of her in the car from the first time I saw it. So cute.
ReplyDeleteJody-Olive is 1/2 CVM-1/2 Romney. Yes, her fleece is gorgeous! I'm really looking forward to spinning it.
ReplyDeleteOh my god. Olive is the most adorable thing ever. You are so lucky to be greeted by her every day. What a sweet little girl :)
ReplyDeleteLove love love the photos and story you shared with us. As far as the climbing thing goes...hilarious :)
But cute too !
Sherman is a big climber too! He also figured out how to climb on the gate and then bang it into the post - bam bam bam - when he wants something.
ReplyDeletethecrazysheeplady-What can I say?(except sorry about that) Ollie is his dad too. It's either genetic or Ollie whispered the how-to in Shermie's ear before he left here!
ReplyDeleteOlive is a cutie patutie! Her sweet face. Love it, thanks for sharing the photos.
ReplyDeleteI love you Olive.