Not of snow, that's for sure. The temperature yesterday reached 69 degrees ! Today it's in the mid-forties and falling to mid-twenties tonight. Such a weird winter we've had this year, but I know from reading some of my favorite blogs, that even in New England there's been very little to resemble the winters they normally have.
It's a flurry of finished objects that's been happening around here. One of my goals for this year is to finish at least some of my many, many, many ( and many more ) projects that are currently taking up space on my collection of knitting needles. In fact, the reason I have so many knitting needles is that it's just easier to buy another needle sometimes, rather than put all those projects on stitch holders ( or, I suppose, actually finishing something before starting yet another .... but, what fun would that be ? )
( Think those tulips have given it their all ? ) |
First, it's a
Bandana Cowl from the
Purl Bee. I used a skein of handspun that needed to be made into something fairly small and useful. Don't you love the Purl Bee ? Their projects are nearly always something I want to cast on right away ( could be part of the reason for knitting needle shortage around here ). This skein of yarn came from my own hand-dyed wool/alpaca blend roving. It's really soft and comfy around my neck and I think it will become a favorite. Right now, I'm kinda over wearing scarves. There's always the wrapping and draping and looping thing to figure out with a scarf. Cowls are simple. You just slip it on and you're good to go !
Next is a sweet little bolero/vest that will probably go into the Christmas 2012 stash. ( I can hardly believe that ! What's the world coming to, if I have already knit something for Christmas ? ) I think this needs to go on a smaller body than mine and there are several candidates in my family. The
pattern is from Plymouth Yarn. The yarn I used came from my collection of
Briar Rose yarn. I. Love. Briar. Rose. I want to be able to dye yarn like Chris Roosien when I grow up ! I've never seen a Briar Rose yarn I didn't want to bring home with me. And, here's some really good news .... Briar Rose will be at the
Kentucky Sheep and Wool Festival, May 19 and 20, at Masterson Station Park, in Lexington, Kentucky. A lot of folks around here have not had the pleasure of seeing Briar Rose in person and I predict there will be a small riot at Chris' booth !
Last one for today ..... a very simple, garter stitch vest from the book '
Seamless ( or Nearly Seamless ) Knits ' . Once again, I used my own handspun, natural colored wool/alpaca blend yarn. This was an easy, easy knit and the kind of thing I'm going to like wearing a lot. I'm a plain and simple person when it comes to clothing, so this is perfect for me.
Believe it or not, I have two more finished items that I'll share in a few days. I know ..... it's shocking !