(Quite a different picture than the earlier snow scene and the one we'll have tomorrow morning.) |
"They" are saying it's coming our way. Right now it's raining buckets and it's supposed to turn to sleet, ice and eventually snow. I can handle all of that except the ice. Please, please don't give us an ice storm! It's been so warm here the last few days (mid 60's) that I was actually thinking about mowing the grass in the area in front of the studio one last time! Needless to say, that won't be happening now.
I was reading
Heather's blog this morning and have been thinking about her plan to do Christmas knitting in July. I need to adopt that plan because I'm in failure mode right now. It's looking pretty bleak for there being
completed items inside the boxes by Christmas. Why, when we know Christmas comes at the same time every year, is it so hard to judge how much actual knitting time is needed to finish gift knitting? I'm almost always too optimistic about what I can accomplish in a given amount of time. I'm thinking I'll put a reminder to myself on my 2014 calendar.....big red letters on the first of July
Start Christmas Knitting Now! We'll see how that goes.
Earlier than usual this evening, I put down more fresh bedding and brought everyone back into the barn for the night. I'd made them all go out for a little while earlier in the day and now they are all walking around like big wet sponges. Of course, now is when they want to get all up close with me! I needed dry jeans by the time everyone was tucked into their pens and happily eating hay. I'll admit that one of my favorite parts of shepherding is having everyone cozied up inside and peacefully munching on sweet smelling hay. I love to sit down in the pen with them and give face scratches to the ones who will come over for a little one on one attention from me. I love that.
(Good eaters, every one!) |
(Rowdy and his girls-he doesn't know it yet, but tonight is his last chance to get the job done.) |
Three of those girls with Rowdy have been bred by him (that's the red crayon marks on their rumps) and I'm hoping the rest were bred by the Wensleydale (who was not wearing a marking harness). We are now up to a May 1st lambing date and I don't want to go any further into warm weather, so tomorrow Rowdy goes back in with Buddy. Neither of them will be thrilled about that!
I'm planning on bringing in the Christmas tree this weekend and maybe a little baking is in order. It seems like we're a little short on Christmas spirit around here and I want to change that!! I'm hoping for a snowy (not icy) weekend. And, I want to know if everyone else has finished their Christmas knitting already. Tell me, please!