(The Purple Martins have just arrived, so spring is truly here!) |
Well, it's been "interesting" (
interesting in that way one tries to describe something difficult to describe). When last I posted, I was psyching myself up for knee surgery and keeping busy with my to-do lists and the
Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up. (I know I'm not the only woman who feels compelled to do a bit of cleaning and organizing before surgery or going on a long trip, just in case something should go awry.) I worked diligently on my list until the last few weeks before and then lost my motivation. The sheep shearer came two days before my surgery and suddenly I had a big stack of fleeces (on top of the ones from last year that had still not been processed!) and I was completely overwhelmed.
The surgery went very well and according to the doctors and physical therapists, I was the poster child for making outstanding progress. On the fourth day after surgery, I was transferred to a rehab facility to begin intensive physical therapy and that's when things got more complicated. I was only there one day when I woke up with a pulmonary embolism (blood clot in my lung) and another clot in my leg. Within minutes after I mentioned to the nurse that I was having some difficulty breathing, I was in an ambulance being rushed back to the hospital. Honestly, I did not know how serious things were until days later. I spent two days immobilized while I was pumped full of Heparin and then Coumadin (blood thinning medications). I finally got to come home after ten days of being hospitalized for a surgery that some folks come home from after only one day. Obviously, that was not how I planned for it to go!
(Some of my beautiful flowers) |
There were some bright spots. I loved the nurses and staff at St. Joseph East Hospital. They were so sweet and kind to me and so considerate of not just my physical well-being, but also my emotional state. I truly felt they went above and beyond to help me be as comfortable as possible. Secondly, thanks to loving and caring family and friends, I was surrounded with flowers that caused everyone who came into my room to comment on how lovely they were and how cheerful they made the room feel. Mike brought freshly cut daffodils from home every day, so I would not miss out on spring blossoming at the farm. Friends came to visit, bringing special treats and spending time knitting and talking. Other friends sent cards, texts and emails to let me know they were thinking of me. I feel as though I learned some valuable lessons on how true friends show their love and concern. You have no idea how much the smallest gesture means until you are on the receiving end. I feel truly blessed to have people in my life who are willing to show they care about me.
(The view I wake up to at home) |
I've never been so happy to be at home and in my own bed. When Mike drove me home from the hospital, the first thing we did was
drive right by the house and up to the barn, so I could see all of the girls! I'm not allowed to be in the field with the sheep quite yet, but I visit with them at the gate every day. Now that they are all shorn, the little girls look almost grown up. They still run up to me (the main reason I'm not allowed inside the gate!), but if I see them out grazing in the field, it is more difficult to tell them apart from the adults. I know I made the right decision to not have any lambs born this year, but I really miss them and hope to be able to have at least a few next year.
(Miss Midgie and the Littles playing conquer the mineral feeder!) |
I hope to get back to this space much more often now. I've been knitting and before the hospital, I managed to sew a little. I have big plans to use this time of restricted activity to sew and knit without feeling guilty that I should be cleaning out the barn or turning over garden beds or working on the multitude of the physically strenuous jobs that are waiting on me. They will just have to wait.
Spring is arriving in Kentucky by fits and starts. We've had some days in the 70's already, but it's going to be cold for Easter - fairly typical weather around here. I'm enjoying watching the grass turn a little greener every day and waiting for the forsythia bushes by the barn to bloom. Our Purple Martin familes have returned and will be building their nests soon. There is evidence of life being renewed all around us.
I want to say thank you to all who have not forgotten my little blog, even though I've been very neglectful as of late. I'll be back early next week with some knitting and sewing to show.
Welcome back with the spring, Dianne. So good to read your thoughtful, lovely posts again.
ReplyDeleteYikes! I'm so glad you are home and doing okay!
ReplyDeleteI am happy you are home! i am eager to see your projects!!!
So glad you're back, and healthy!
ReplyDeleteHello Dianne,
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry that you have been through so much here lately! I hope that you continue to recover at a rapid pace!
Hello Dianne,
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry that you have been through so much here lately! I hope that you continue to recover at a rapid pace!
Welcome home. I've missed you and am so glad to see you again. I hope you have a speedy recovery now that the worst is over.sometimes the silver linings surprise us!
ReplyDeleteWelcome back........I have been checking twice a week.....so happy you are back on the mend
I'm so happy to hear that you are on the mend. I guess slow and easy does it.
ReplyDeleteMidgie is adorable and I can hardly wait for her fleece!!
glad your back!
ReplyDeleteWelcome Home! Oh, it's SO good to learn that you are doing so well (although your stay was a little more than anticipated). Being on the mend is a good thing :-) Take care, and always look forward to hearing more from you...